Sports and Remedial Massage Therapy
Alleviate the stress and tension that builds up in your body's soft tissues
Sports and remedial massage therapy is a type of therapeutic massage that can be beneficial for anyone, sporty and non-sporty. You might be an athlete managing a demanding training regime, you might have a physically demanding job or just be feeling uncomfortable with day-to-day muscular aches and pains.
What are the benefits?
Reduced stress and muscular tension
Improved flexibility
Prevent and reduce your injury risk
Circulatory boost to the vascular and lymphatic system
Depending on your sports massage goals you might be asked to move around and interact during your treatment. If your massage therapist identifies any particular areas of sore and tired muscles they may be able to suggest some homework to maintain the good work that's just been done. If you are committed to training for a sport or a running event, massage is a great investment for your body.
Ready to reduce your stress?
What Our Clients Say