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How can a Mummy MOT help you and your body?

Sarah Chapman

Updated: May 2, 2023

Did you know we are an accredited provider of a specialist post-natal examination and assessment for women following vaginal and caesarean deliveries called The Mummy MOT?

May is the month to raise awareness of the many different aspects of Women's Health and here we're focusing on how wonderful the female body is to cope with pregnancy and birth, and how a Mummy MOT can help you and your body recover.

Becoming a mother is a wonderful but challenging time for many women. Did you know?

  • During pregnancy women live near the absolute limit of human endurance! A pregnant woman's energy expenditure at their peak is 2.2 times their metabolic rate (no wonder it's exhausting!). Researchers from Duke University found that the human body can cope with a maximum energy expenditure of 2.5 times its resting metabolic rate.

  • Breastfeeding or bottle feeding for one year takes approximately 1800 hours - a full time job with holidays is 1960 hours.

  • During childbirth the pelvic floor muscles can stretch to more than 3 times their normal length. All other skeletal muscles can only cope with stretching up to 1.5 times their length.

  • Blood volume increases by 45% in pregnancy so your heart has to work harder and more efficiently.

So if you are a new mama we think you are amazing! Book in a Mummy MOT to check how you are recovering from pregnancy and birth, because your body deserves (and needs) as much love and attention as your baby.

Not sure what a Mummy MOT appointment will invovle? Charlotte is a certified Mummy MOT practitioner and has completed the full Mummy MOT training course. Click on the badge below to read more and then you can book online for an appointment by clicking here.

You can click here to read more about Charlotte and our Pelvic and Women's Health Physio Service, including The Mummy MOT.

If you'd like to book an appointment with Charlotte or Rowena you can click here to take you to our online booking or send a booking enquiry to

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